2013年9月9日 星期一

上帝的救贖計劃God's Plan of Salvation

God’s 1Plan of 2Salvation
    In the 3beginning, God 4created man. He made man 5perfect and without 6sin. God gave man a 7will of his own so that he could choose between good and bad. God created man for8 fellowship with Himself. God wants all men to 9choose to love Him.
    But man chose to10disobey the 11law of God (The Ten Commandments). This made man’s heart 12evil and brought sin into the13human race. Now all men are born with a 14sinful nature that seeks to disobey the law of God. Including you and me.
    Because God is a 15just God, He must 16punish sin. God is a 17holy God and cannot have friendship with anyone who is sinful. Light cannot have friendship with darkness. Good cannot have friendship with evil. God cannot have fellowship with sinful man. Man has become the 18enemy of God.
    God 19ruled that all sinful men should be punished with20everlasting death in a place called21Hell. This is God’s 22prison for those who break His commands. There sinful men will be23separated from God forever. But God loves all men and does not want any man to receive everlasting death.
    Because of His love for you and me, He sent His son Jesus Christ to the earth to die as a 24sacrifice for our sins. Jesus came to earth about 2000 years ago. He was God but He also became a men. He lived a perfect life. Then 25willingly gave His life as a 26ransom for the whole world by dying on the cross.
    After three days Jesus arose from the grave. He proved that He had 27power over death and He can also give this power to all those who 28believe in Him. The29facts of the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ are now 30historical truths.
    In the Bible, God promises that He will give eternal life to any person that will 31confess his sins and believe in Jesus as the 32only way of salvation.
   To receive eternal life and forgiveness of sins you must do these things.
1.      Confess you are a sinner (if you are33not sure you are a sinner, go through the34Ten Commandments)
2.      35Repent of your sins.
3.      36Believe that Jesus died for you so you can have eternal life.
4. Be 37born again. (Spiritually born)
You must decide for yourself whether you will accept Jesus or not. To38refuse Jesus Christ is to choose eternal death! God will not 39force you to become a Christian.40Decide to believe now!
1.計畫                   11.神的律法  21.地獄             31.承認罪
2.救贖                  12.邪惡         22.監獄             32.唯一的
3.起初,開始       13.人類         23.分開             33.不確定
4.創造                14.罪性         24.犧牲              34.十誡
5.完美               15.公正         25.願意               35.悔改
6.                  16.罰            26.贖金               36.相信
7.自由意志       17.聖潔        27.能力                37.重生
8.交誼             18.敵人        28.信靠祂             38.拒絕
9.選擇            19.管理        29.事實                 39.強迫  
10.        不服從   20.永死        30.歷史上的事實    40.決定     

1. 承認你是罪人(如果你不確定你是不是個罪人,可參考十誡)
2. 悔改
3. 相信耶穌為你的罪死在十字架上,使你有永生
4. 要重生(靈命的重生)


